Editting Favorite contact list
(too old to reply)
2008-04-29 18:30:01 UTC
Is there anyway to edit my favorite contacts list that shows up when I want to write a new email?

For some reason Hotmail decided to shorten my list to almostevery contact I dont use and now I'm constantly having to hit the "everyone" button to find my most used contacts.
2008-04-30 20:17:01 UTC
I am having the same issue .... what happened to my favorites contact list and how do I edit it now?
I have tried all sorts of things and there seems to be no way to edit this list which is now just taking up room as I no longer need the contacts it decided were my favorites and it is so much slower to hit the everyone button...anyway to edit that list???? any and all help appriciated
thank you
It's hammer time!
2008-05-14 13:30:02 UTC
To set someone as a favorite contact, or to remove them from the list, do this

Go to your contacts lis
Click a contac
Click the edit button near the to
And check/uncheck the box that says "Mark this contact as favorite

Hope this helps. Good day to you all.
Lenell Leech
2008-05-30 21:32:02 UTC
---from my favorite contact list I have to have my entire list in front of me and that seems to be impossible.
Lenell Leech
2008-05-30 21:52:01 UTC
To edit my favorite contact list should be a simple thing. I find this much too long and confusing.
I am ready to give it up. Would appreciate a quick answer before I give this up.
Lenell Leech
2008-05-30 21:25:00 UTC
---when I am trying to forward and email messages, especially to multiple contacts.
These contacts do not show up on the pop up list on the right.
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